If you managed to go through the hordes of fashionistas crowding the stairs of Palais de la Bourse, you would have realised that there was no rush as what everyone thought would be a show was in fact a presentation. Wilhelm set different "tableaux vivants" where models were either flooding the chic wooden floors with a strange green gelly out of plastic teapots while holding "baguette" sticks or stretching and lifting weights, stabing a paper wall and other incongruous activities in a very hysteric manga esthetic. Fashion wise it was good old Wilhelm, fluid ethnic print dress, bicolor richelieu on heels, japanese lettered black and white karate outfits and more unidentifiable looks, needs to be said the crowd was as dense inside than ouside and circulation around the "instalation" was pretty difficult, but it's Bernhard Wilhelm, it's fun and refreshing , and that makes you want to part of it.

Photos by Randy Harris for DossierJournal.com
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