Did the fashion industry show to much of what used to be veiled and secret, of what used to be the oh so attractive mystery of Fashion ? Insiders are wondering, bloggers feel slightly guilty and PRs say "Told you !"...well they always say that, but this time, they're right. So what can we do, when you can see pre-collection on style.com, when you know all possible editors of every possible publications and the way they're dressed from a couple of stylish photo blogs, when rumors don't have time to be rumors anymore, when you can see fashion shows on live streaming... What to do then, to gain back this attractive mystery some are crying over? Go back to the way it used to be, ( the good old way ), is actually impossible, but maybe getting back a bit more control of what ends where - and how - and in the middle of what - would probably help to not overfeed fashion addicts with useless scoops and empty news. It's just a question of content quality, and that is something that most publication are facing since advertising doesn't flow anymore like champagne in a 90's Mugler show. The quality of the content makes the difference, and there is, just out there, a bunch of young independent publications aware of this and they financially get away with it.
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